Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

Christian Huber

Professor, Director of Graduate Studies
GeoChem Building
Room 167
Research Interests Geophysics, Tectonics Volcanology and Petrology, Planetary Geoscience
Pronouns he/him
Concentration Advisor for Geophysics and Climate Physics


I study the role of multiphase processes on the dynamics of Earth and other Planetary bodies. More specifically, I focus on volcanology, geodynamics and porous media flow with a variety of theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches.

Recent News

A new study by DEEPS Professors Colleen Dalton, Chris Huber, Tim Herbert, and Senior Research Associate Weimin Si explores how variations in global mean sea level over millions of years originate from changes in both the climate and solid Earth systems.
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Ice sheet melt has been shown to increase volcanic activity in subglacial volcanoes elsewhere on the globe. DEEPS PhD candidate Allie Coonin and her team ran 4,000 computer simulations to study how ice sheet loss affects Antarctica’s buried volcanoes, and they found that gradual melt could increase the number and size of subglacial eruptions.
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