Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences
Research Facilities and Resources
Core Facilities
The DEEPS Core Facilities are resources hosted within Brown University.
The RI Space Grant is dedicated to promoting science, math, engineering, and technology at all levels, from K-12 to colleges and universities, from industry to the general public, with NASA space exploration and research.
The Environmental Geochemistry facility is equipped to analyze a broad range of samples, including sediments and soils samples, water, organic tissues, etc. These shared facilities are available to researchers from Brown University and abroad. The lab houses a variety of instruments, including GC-IRMS, GC-FID/MSD, HPLC-MS/DAD/FLD, EA-IRMS, Coulometer, GFAAs and ICP-OES.
DEEPS maintains three isotope ratio mass spectrometers associated with two core facilities for analyzing the isotopic composition of bulk organic matter, organic compounds, and inorganic carbonates. These include two Delta V plus instruments and one 253+ instrument.
The Mass Spectrometer Analytical Facility houses a Thermo Scientific Neptune Plus multi-collector ICP-MS, a Thermo Scientific X-series-2 ICP-MS, a Photon-Machines Analyte G2 laser ablation, and a trace-metal free clean lab built by Pico Trace. The mission of this facility is to help scientists with their cutting-edge research.
Spectroscopic data acquired in the laboratory provide the interpretive foundation upon which compositional information about unexplored or un-sampled planetary surfaces is derived from remotely obtained reflectance spectra.
The Cameca SX-100 electron microprobe is one of the primary and fundamental research instruments in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences.
CORD is a joint facility of labs at Brown and MIT designed to promote and support external visitor access to 12 sophisticated deformation apparatus. These machines have unique and complementary capabilities for studying a wide range of geological and geophysical processes. Having open access to this equipment allows both visiting scientists and those at Brown and MIT, to push the boundaries of experimental geophysics.
Other Facilities and Resources
Research Posters
Helpful tools and tips for DEEPS students and faculty creating research posters for upcoming symposiums or conferences.
Resource Reservations
Staff and students in the department can reserve the following resources for their research and activities.