Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

Other Opportunities and Events

DEEPS offers students a close community and diverse learning opportunities, including career development events, field trips, and social activities.

In addition to the field trips that are integrated into courses, the department sponsors a two-day field trip every fall, and DEEPS undergraduates plan their own field trip each Spring Break. Everyone works hard to make these fun, exciting, and comfortable learning experiences that bring us closer together. For concentrators who are interested in more in-depth field-based learning experiences, the department provides resources to attend summer field courses, including some scholarship support for field course expenses.

To help undergrads envision and plan their own careers, DEEPS regularly holds Careers Day events. We invite DEEPS alums who have forged fascinating careers outside of academia back to campus to share their current work, the path that took them there from Brown, and their advice on how to get started on careers in their area.

Social events include spring and fall departmental picnics, holiday parties, and smaller gatherings (often at the homes of faculty members), DUG/GeoClub "movie" nights, an informal (but none-the-less competitive) softball and volleyball league, ultimate frisbee pick-up games, and ad-hoc lunch meetings on the GeoChem green.

Field Trips

Rain or shine, during the beginning of each academic year, the Department sponsors a weekend camping trip for Undergraduate and Graduate Students alike to view a variety of local, geologically significant, sites.

Several DEEPS courses require field research and thus take advantage of day trips and weekend camping trips in order to foster learning in the proper setting.

Undergraduates plan this annual event, with help from faculty. Support comes from fundraising and the department. Expeditions have gone to the Grand Canyon-Meteor Crater, Death Valley, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.

Special Seminars

The Colloquia Series is generally presented every Thursday afternoon at 4pm in MacMillan 115 during the academic year. Leading scientists from a variety of research institutions make up the pool of special guest speakers. These sessions are open to the public.
Informal talks provide faculty and students the opportunity to present and discuss their current research over lunch. Each research area sponsors their own sessions which are held on a weekly basis. Photo: Students listen to a Planetary Geoscience Lunch Bunch presentation.
The Thomas "Tim" Mutch Memorial Fund was established in '81 by family and friends, to honor Tim's memory as a scholar, GeoSci teacher, explorer, author, and administrator.

Professional Development Seminars

Several times a year, faculty panels are created to present such topics as diverse as "Preparing for Life after Brown" (resume writing, interviewing), and "The Funding of Science" (how grants work).

Student Research/Employment

Employment in a faculty member's lab (funded through grants) or independent research projects (often funded through UTRAs) during the academic year and/or summer might involve field work, laboratory experiments, computer simulations & data analysis. Students can also serve as Writing Fellows.

In addition to the employment opportunities listed above, there are also summer REU programs at other universities, SCA field work, science writing and other internships, and opportunities to work for environmental consulting firms.

Additional Opportunities