Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences


We are committed to our partnership with Providence Public School Department (PPSD) in order to support and enhance quality Earth Science education in elementary and high school classrooms.

High school students examining a graph learning about Earth science. Our goals:

  • Expose high school students to Earth and Planetary Sciences topics and possible careers over 3 consecutive years of high school.
  • Offer support and mentoring for application to summer programs at Brown University (Brown Summer High School, Pre College).
  • Offer a summer research experience in our department to interested students (1-month paid summer internship).

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Four elementary students stand around an inflatable globe, learning about Earth science.Due to Amplify Curriculum Introduction in PPSD this program is currently On Hold

Our goals:

  • Assist PPSD teachers in transitioning to Amplify science curriculum and bringing Earth Science lessons to their classrooms.
  • Help improve access to quality science education for Providence children, particularly for children from disadvantaged socio-economical backgrounds.
  • Offer a teaching and community-oriented experience to Brown grad and undergrad students, postdocs, and faculty.

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Who We Are

DEEPS STEP coordinators work in tandem with the program manager, Olga Prilipko Huber, to organize and develop our work. They develop Earth Science Modules, work with Providence teachers co-teaching in elementary grades, train DEEPS STEP volunteers and much more. Our coordinators are the backbone of the program, keeping it vibrant and engaged.
Brown University graduate or undergraduate students, postdocs and faculty – DEEPS STEP welcomes anyone who is passionate about science education and helping bring it to Providence elementary students. Whether you want to give it a try, can commit only a few hours, or are a seasoned DEEPS STEP member teaching over several months, we need you and are happy to welcome you to the program.
DEEPS STEP partners with Providence Public School teachers who work with us to bring Earth Science lessons into their classrooms. We are continuously humbled and inspired by the dedication, energy, patience and kindness of the teachers we are fortunate to collaborate with.
Children are the main reason all of us join forces to improve Earth Science education in our community. Quality education is the stepping stone for future possibilities and thriving, and we want all Providence students to have access to it, regardless of their socio-economic background, neighborhood or origin.
For their AP environmental science and biology field trip, Barrington High School students visited the Blackstone River to learn about Rhode Island's history of pollution. The trip was supported by the RI NASA Space Grant. “We want to get students outside the classroom beyond the textbooks and internet articles they read about,” said Ralph Milliken, Program Director and DEEPS Associate Professor. “So they can understand the interplay on human society and the natural environment.”
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In a new publication in AGU Advances, Postdoctoral Fellow Lily Dove and her colleagues present a framework for graduate programs to evaluate and modify their qualifying examinations. "Most importantly", explained Dove, "the proposed process is iterative and data-driven, meaning that programs can continually refine and make changes to qualifying examinations based on student outcomes and experiences."
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