Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

Undergraduate Research

Whether you enjoy making measurements in the lab, analyzing data and modeling processes through computing, or collecting samples in the field, there are research opportunities in DEEPS that will let you develop your interests.

The DEEPS faculty conduct internationally recognized research at the forefront of their fields. Undergraduate students participate actively in this research, experiencing the excitement of discovery with faculty and the grad students and postdocs in their research groups.  Undergraduates can get involved in research during the summer or the academic year, through paid positions (either UTRAs or direct support from faculty research grants) or Independent Research Project courses.

Through research, students get meaningful hands-on experience as well as a chance to assess various career options. It is common for undergraduates to present their research at national science meetings such as the American Geophysical Union meeting and the Lunar and Planetary Science Meeting, and for undergraduate research to be published.

The Sarah LaMendola Undergraduate Research Award provides support for undergraduate research in the Department of Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences at Brown University. It was established in honor of the memory of Sarah LaMendola ’04 through the generosity of her family and friends.
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Student Research Stories

In our first Research Assistant Spotlight, Jonah Bernstein-Schalet ’24, graduating this Spring with an ScB in Geology-Biology, stresses the importance of fieldwork in kindling his passion for wildfire research. As an assistant in Assistant Professor Dan Ibarra’s lab, Jonah investigates chemical weathering and soil formation in the Oregon Cascades with the goal of understanding more about wildfires in the area.
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Our second Student Research Story features Allison Cavallo ’25, a Geophysics concentrator at Brown. She started her research journey by joining the Baylor Fox-Kemper lab, and went on to join the Anti-Podal Oceanography Group where she coordinates science communications for the Scale-Aware Sea Ice Project based in France. This summer she will be pursuing her dream job as an intern at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute
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Ayushman Choudhury ’25 is a rising senior studying Applied Mathematics-Computer Science and Music and a research assistant in the Mara Freilich Lab, where he investigates ocean flux dynamics in the Southern Ocean. In our third Student Research Story, Ayushman emphasizes his passion for using computer science and mathematical modeling to improve our understanding of climate change and help fight the climate crisis.
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Celia Kong-Johnson ’25 is a rising senior studying Geochemistry and Applied Mathematics who works as a research assistant in Assistant Professor Dan Ibarra’s lab, studying past hydroclimate variability in the Philippines. In our fourth Student Research Story, Celia spoke of the friendliness of DEEPS faculty and the department’s welcoming, tight-knit community.
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Gabriel Traietti ‘25, concentrating in Geochemistry, investigates the terrestrial paleoclimate of the Congo River Basin in Senior Associate Dean James Russell’s lab. He emphasizes how DEEPS gave him the tools to explore his passion for reconstructing ancient climate to help anticipate the effects of climate change on a local level.
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