Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences
All Courses
Course Code | Short Title |
EEPS0010 | Face of the Earth |
EEPS0050 | Mars, Moon, and the Earth |
EEPS0070 | Introduction to Oceanography |
EEPS0160C | Global Environmental Change |
EEPS0160E | Volcanos: Wndws into Deep Earth |
EEPS0160F | Patterns: in Nature,in Society |
EEPS0160G | Energy Resources |
EEPS0160I | Diamonds |
EEPS0160M | Natural Disasters |
EEPS0160N | Monsters of the Abyss |
EEPS0160P | From Human Migration to Solvin |
EEPS0220 | Earth & Environ. Processes |
EEPS0230 | Earth/Planetary Matrls/ Procss |
EEPS0240 | Earth:Evoltn of Habitbl Planet |
EEPS0250 | Modelling in Natural Sciences |
EEPS0350 | Mathematical Methods of Fluid |
EEPS0810 | Planetary Geology |
EEPS0830 | Water in Our World |
EEPS0850 | Weather and Climate |
EEPS1110 | Descriptive Coastal and Estuar |
EEPS1120 | Paleoceanography |
EEPS1130 | Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles |
EEPS1150 | Limnology: The Study of Lakes |
EEPS1220 | Climate Extremes and Human Rig |
EEPS1240 | Stratigraphy and Sedimentation |
EEPS1310 | Global Water Cycle |
EEPS1320 | Intro to Geographc Info Systms |
EEPS1330 | Globl Environmntl Remot Sensng |
EEPS1370 | Environmental Geochemistry |
EEPS1380 | Environmental Stable Isotopes |
EEPS1390 | Planetary Surface Processes |
EEPS1410 | Mineralogy |
EEPS1420 | Petrology |
EEPS1430 | Principles of Planetary Climat |
EEPS1450 | Structural Geology |
EEPS1510 | Intro. to Atmospheric Dynamics |
EEPS1520 | Ocean Circulation and Climate |
EEPS1560 | Global Tectonics |
EEPS1580 | Quant Elements Phys Hydrology |
EEPS1610 | Solid Earth Geophysics |
EEPS1615 | Environmental Policy Process |
EEPS1620 | Continuum Phys of Solid Earth |
EEPS1630 | Intro to Quantitative Glaciol |
EEPS1650 | Earthquake Seismology |
EEPS1690 | Intro to Methods in Data Analy |
EEPS1710 | Remot Sensng Planetary Surface |
EEPS1730 | Isotope Geochemistry |
EEPS1745 | Planetary System Design |
EEPS1810 | Physics of Planetary Evolution |
EEPS1820 | Geophysical Fluid Dynamics |
EEPS1950 | Special Topics in EEPS |
EEPS1950B | Atmospheric Chemistry |
EEPS1950C | Planetary Materials |
EEPS1960 | Special Topics in EEPS |
EEPS1960A | Earthquakes & Rheology |
EEPS1960C | Planetary Petrology |
EEPS1960D | Machine Learning for the Earth |
EEPS1960F | Patterns in Nature, in Society |
EEPS1960G | Earth Science Curriculum Desig |
EEPS1960H | The Early Earth |
EEPS1960L | Foundational Readings in the E |
EEPS1960N | Seminar in Analytical Geochemi |
EEPS1960X | Ocean, Cryosphere, and Sea Lev |
EEPS1960Z | Physical Volcanology |
EEPS1970 | Ind Study of Geologic Problems |
EEPS2300 | Math Models in Geological Sci |
EEPS2330 | Adv Remote Sensing |
EEPS2350 | Quaternary Climatology Seminar |
EEPS2410 | Kinetics of Geochem Processes |
EEPS2430 | Igneous Petrology |
EEPS2460 | Phase Equilibria |
EEPS2650 | Advanced Seismology |
EEPS2730 | Isotope Geochemistry |
EEPS2840 | Asteroids and Meteorites |
EEPS2860 | Planetary Volcanology |
EEPS2870 | Planetary Evolution |
EEPS2880 | Planetary Cratering |
EEPS2910 | Special Topics in EEPS |
EEPS2910E | Miocene: Prelude to Ice Ages |
EEPS2910F | Earthquake Mechanics, Rheology |
EEPS2910G | Dynamcs of Ice Sheets/Glaciers |
EEPS2910H | Geophysical Phenomena |
EEPS2910J | Early Evolution of the Solar S |
EEPS2910M | The Changing Arctic |
EEPS2910T | Lattice Boltzmann modeling in |
EEPS2910W | The Ice Ages: How We Got Here |
EEPS2910X | Topics in Geophysics |
EEPS2910Z | Trace Element Geochemistry |
EEPS2920 | Special Topics in EEPS |
EEPS2920A | Measuring Climate and Environm |
EEPS2920C | The Sedimentary Rock Cycle |
EEPS2920D | Intro to Geochemical Modeling |
EEPS2920E | Intro to Organic Geochemistry |
EEPS2920G | Exoplanet Seminar |
EEPS2920I | Dynamics of Trop. Climate |
EEPS2920M | Monsoons and Climate |
EEPS2980 | Research in Geological Science |