Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

All Courses

A record of active EEPS (Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences) courses as far back as Fall 2007.

Course CodeShort Title
EEPS0010Face of the Earth
EEPS0050Mars, Moon, and the Earth
EEPS0070Introduction to Oceanography
EEPS0160CGlobal Environmental Change
EEPS0160EVolcanos: Wndws into Deep Earth
EEPS0160FPatterns: in Nature,in Society
EEPS0160GEnergy Resources
EEPS0160MNatural Disasters
EEPS0160NMonsters of the Abyss
EEPS0160PFrom Human Migration to Solvin
EEPS0220Earth & Environ. Processes
EEPS0230Earth/Planetary Matrls/ Procss
EEPS0240Earth:Evoltn of Habitbl Planet
EEPS0250Modelling in Natural Sciences
EEPS0350Mathematical Methods of Fluid
EEPS0810Planetary Geology
EEPS0830Water in Our World
EEPS0850Weather and Climate
EEPS1110Descriptive Coastal and Estuar
EEPS1130Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles
EEPS1150Limnology: The Study of Lakes
EEPS1220Climate Extremes and Human Rig
EEPS1240Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
EEPS1310Global Water Cycle
EEPS1320Intro to Geographc Info Systms
EEPS1330Globl Environmntl Remot Sensng
EEPS1370Environmental Geochemistry
EEPS1380Environmental Stable Isotopes
EEPS1390Planetary Surface Processes
EEPS1430Principles of Planetary Climat
EEPS1450Structural Geology
EEPS1510Intro. to Atmospheric Dynamics
EEPS1520Ocean Circulation and Climate
EEPS1560Global Tectonics
EEPS1580Quant Elements Phys Hydrology
EEPS1610Solid Earth Geophysics
EEPS1615Environmental Policy Process
EEPS1620Continuum Phys of Solid Earth
EEPS1630Intro to Quantitative Glaciol
EEPS1650Earthquake Seismology
EEPS1690Intro to Methods in Data Analy
EEPS1710Remot Sensng Planetary Surface
EEPS1730Isotope Geochemistry
EEPS1745Planetary System Design
EEPS1810Physics of Planetary Evolution
EEPS1820Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
EEPS1950Special Topics in EEPS
EEPS1950BAtmospheric Chemistry
EEPS1950CPlanetary Materials
EEPS1960Special Topics in EEPS
EEPS1960AEarthquakes & Rheology
EEPS1960CPlanetary Petrology
EEPS1960DMachine Learning for the Earth
EEPS1960FPatterns in Nature, in Society
EEPS1960GEarth Science Curriculum Desig
EEPS1960HThe Early Earth
EEPS1960LFoundational Readings in the E
EEPS1960NSeminar in Analytical Geochemi
EEPS1960XOcean, Cryosphere, and Sea Lev
EEPS1960ZPhysical Volcanology
EEPS1970Ind Study of Geologic Problems
EEPS2300Math Models in Geological Sci
EEPS2330Adv Remote Sensing
EEPS2350Quaternary Climatology Seminar
EEPS2410Kinetics of Geochem Processes
EEPS2430Igneous Petrology
EEPS2460Phase Equilibria
EEPS2650Advanced Seismology
EEPS2730Isotope Geochemistry
EEPS2840Asteroids and Meteorites
EEPS2860Planetary Volcanology
EEPS2870Planetary Evolution
EEPS2880Planetary Cratering
EEPS2910Special Topics in EEPS
EEPS2910EMiocene: Prelude to Ice Ages
EEPS2910FEarthquake Mechanics, Rheology
EEPS2910GDynamcs of Ice Sheets/Glaciers
EEPS2910HGeophysical Phenomena
EEPS2910JEarly Evolution of the Solar S
EEPS2910MThe Changing Arctic
EEPS2910TLattice Boltzmann modeling in
EEPS2910WThe Ice Ages: How We Got Here
EEPS2910XTopics in Geophysics
EEPS2910ZTrace Element Geochemistry
EEPS2920Special Topics in EEPS
EEPS2920AMeasuring Climate and Environm
EEPS2920CThe Sedimentary Rock Cycle
EEPS2920DIntro to Geochemical Modeling
EEPS2920EIntro to Organic Geochemistry
EEPS2920GExoplanet Seminar
EEPS2920IDynamics of Trop. Climate
EEPS2920MMonsoons and Climate
EEPS2980Research in Geological Science