Dave Scott, commander of the Apollo 15 mission, discussed the mission and previewed the film, asking for comments and input as he and his team worked toward a final cut. The Apollo 15 mission explored the Hadley-Apennine region of the Moon, the Apennine mountains surrounding the Imbriuim basin, Hadley sinuous rille, the mare plains, and secondary crater clusters.
The mission is well known for the discovery of the “Genesis Rock,” the “Seat-Belt Vesicular Basalt”, and the “Green Pyroclastic Glass”, the analysis of which by DEEPS Professor Alberto Saal decades later revealed “lunar water”, revolutionizing the understanding of the history of the Moon.
Apollo 15 remained on the Moon for several days, and Dave Scott and Jim Irwin undertook four EVAs (a total of over 18 hours on the surface). Scott drove the first “car” on the Moon (the Lunar Roving Vehicle) for a distance of 27.9 km, collecting about 77 kg of rocks and soils to return to Earth.
We all look forward to future visits by Dave Scott, who has lectured to introductory DEEPS classes at Brown for decades.