Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

Professor Amanda Lynch leads United Nations vision for Artificial Intelligence in Weather Forecasting

This week, the eleventh session of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Research Board considered critical developments in Artificial Intelligence for weather forecasting under the leadership of Board Chair Professor Amanda Lynch.

An urgent concern was the risk of “fake warnings” during floods, hurricanes, and other disasters that would imperil vulnerable populations. Lynch pressed the imperative of meeting the needs of data-poor countries subject to poor quality weather forecasting products as a matter of international equity.  The annual meeting of the WMO Research Board underscored that access to publicly funded data collection must be ensured as a public good. 

“In our era of climate change-induced extreme weather events, these are not purely technical matters—they are fundamental to basic human dignity, and indeed survival,” said Professor Lynch.

Lynch is Lindemann Distinguished Professor and founding director of the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society at Brown University.

Professor Amanda Lynch (left) and Secretary General Celeste Saulo (right), welcoming the board to Geneva for the WMO annual meeting and providing an exhortation to action.
Professor Amanda Lynch (left) and Secretary General Celeste Saulo (right), welcoming the board to Geneva for the WMO annual meeting and providing an exhortation to action.