Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

John Mustard

Lincoln Field
Room 323
Research Interests Environmental Science, Oceans Ice and Atmospheres, Planetary Geoscience


My research focuses on the processes that modify solid surfaces and the spatial and temporal scales that control environmental processes on the Earth.

Recent News

A new study led by Brown University researchers shows how a water-rich mineral could explain the planet’s color, hinting at a wetter, more habitable past on the Red Planet.
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NASA has announced a new strategy review team, including DEEPS Professor Jack Mustard, to assess potential architecture adjustments for the agency’s Mars Sample Return Program. The program aims to bring back scientifically selected samples from Mars, and is a key step in NASA’s quest to better understand our solar system and help answer whether we are alone in the universe.
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DEEPS Professor John Mustard recently shared his opinion with Nature about NASA's new considerations for the Perseverance rover's mission, saying the rocks currently on board are “great, but they’re not sufficient to be the transformative samples that we want them to be.”
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The Public's Radio

Could we just fire our trash into the sun?

Responding to a listener question, the Possibly Team spoke with Professor Jack Mustard about whether or not the garbage Americans throw into landfills could be fired into the sun.
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