Through DEEPS CORES, Brown University students lead hands-on Earth science lessons, mentor Providence high schoolers on pre-college applications, and offer career exploration including paid internships.
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Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

Kierra Wilk
Lincoln Field
Room 317
Room 317
Research Interests
Planetary Geoscience
Professor Jack Mustard
Recent News
Lunar Trailblazer
Trailblazer of the Week: Kierra Wilk
Trailblazer of the Week is an ongoing series showcasing the diversity of experience and expertise that supports the collective determination of the Lunar Trailblazer mission. The series recently highlighted Kierra Wilk, DEEPS PhD student working with Trailblazer Co-Investigator Carle Pieters to investigate the spectral signature of water on the Moon.
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