Department of Earth, Environmental & Planetary Sciences

Ralph Milliken

Associate Professor
Lincoln Field
Room 302
Research Interests Planetary Geoscience, Earth History


My research focuses on exploring the geology of planetary surfaces and how we can use remote sensing methods (e.g., satellite and rover-based data) to address geologic problems. Specific interests include understanding the distribution and role of water in the evolution of our solar system, understanding the extent to which reflectance spectroscopy can be used to quantify mineral and volatile abundances in geologic materials, and investigating the sedimentary rock record of Mars. Researchers in my group integrate experiments, theory, and field/spacecraft data to address these questions. I am currently a science team member for the Mars Curiosity rover, and other projects include mapping water on the Moon, laboratory studies of meteorites, and field studies of potential Mars analogs.

Recent News

As part of a large-scale effort to unlock clues about the origins of life on Earth, Brown researchers in the NASA-funded Reflectance Experiment Laboratory (RELAB) are analyzing samples from the asteroid Bennu. Associate Professor Ralph Milliken spoke with the Brown Alumni Magazine about this exciting research, saying “It’s really amazing and humbling to know our group is one of a handful of specialized spectroscopy labs who are working with this material that has been in space for the last four and a half billion years."
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Logan Tullai ’25 oversaw the creation of large-scale cyanotype prints using two rolls of NASA Lunar Orbiter film, decommissioned from the repository of NASA data and images once housed within DEEPS. “I thought it would be cool to use the sun’s UV to make pictures of the moon,” Tullai said.
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For their AP environmental science and biology field trip, Barrington High School students visited the Blackstone River to learn about Rhode Island's history of pollution. The trip was supported by the RI NASA Space Grant. “We want to get students outside the classroom beyond the textbooks and internet articles they read about,” said Ralph Milliken, Program Director and DEEPS Associate Professor. “So they can understand the interplay on human society and the natural environment.”
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